
How Much Land Is Used For Agriculture In The Us

Major industry in the U.s.

This photo from a 1921 encyclopedia
shows a tractor plowing a crop field

Worker overseeing cotton wool gin, ca. 1940s

Agronomics in the United States is highly mechanized, with an average of only one farmer or farming labor being required per square kilometer of farmland in average for agricultural output.

Agronomics is a major industry in the United States, which is a internet exporter of food.[1] As of the 2017 census of agriculture, there were 2.04 one thousand thousand farms, covering an area of 900 1000000 acres (1,400,000 sq mi), an average of 441 acres (178 hectares) per farm.[2]

Although agronomical activity occurs in every U.S. state, it is particularly concentrated in the Peachy Plains, a vast surface area of apartment abundant land in the middle of the nation, in the region west of the Swell Lakes and east of the Rocky Mountains. The eastern wetter half is a major corn and soybean producing region known equally the Corn Chugalug, and the western drier one-half is known equally the Wheat Belt because of its high rate of wheat production.[3] The Primal Valley of California produces fruits, vegetables, and basics. The American S has historically been a large producer of cotton wool, tobacco, and rice, but it has declined in agricultural product over the past century.

The U.S. has led developments in seed improvement, such every bit hybridization, and in expanding uses for crops from the piece of work of George Washington Carver to bioplastics and biofuels. The mechanization of farming and intensive farming have been major themes in U.S. history, including John Deere's steel turn, Cyrus McCormick's mechanical reaper, Eli Whitney's cotton gin, and the widespread success of the Fordson tractor and the combine harvester. Modern agriculture in the U.Southward. ranges from hobby farms and minor-calibration producers to large commercial farms that cover thousands of acres of cropland or rangeland.

History [edit]

Corn, turkeys, tomatoes, potatoes, peanuts, and sunflower seeds institute some of the major holdovers from the agricultural endowment of the Americas.

Colonists had more than access to land in the colonial United States than they did in Europe. The arrangement of labor was complex including free persons, slaves and indentured servants depending on the regions where either slaves or poor landless laborers were available to work on family farms.[4]

European agricultural practices greatly affected the New England landscape. Colonists brought livestock over from Europe which caused many changes to the land. Grazing animals required a lot of state and nutrient and the act of grazing itself destroyed native grasses, which were being replaced by European species. New species of weeds were introduced and began to thrive equally they were capable of withstanding the grazing of animals, whereas native species could non.[5]

The practices associated with keeping livestock likewise contributed to the deterioration of the forests and fields. Colonists would cut down the trees and then permit their cattle and livestock to graze freely in the forest and never establish more than trees. The animals trampled and tore up the footing so much as to cause long-term destruction and damage.[5]

Soil burnout was a huge trouble in New England agriculture. Farming with oxen did permit the colonist to farm more land but information technology increased erosion and decreased soil fertility. This was due to deeper plow cuts in the soil that allowed the soil more contact with oxygen causing nutrient depletion. In grazing fields in New England, the soil was being compacted by the large number of cattle and this did not give the soil enough oxygen to sustain life.[5]

In the United states of america, farms spread from the colonies westward along with the settlers. In cooler regions, wheat was often the ingather of choice when lands were newly settled, leading to a "wheat frontier" that moved w over the course of years. Also very common in the antebellum Midwest was farming corn while raising hogs, complementing each other particularly since it was difficult to get grain to market place before the canals and railroads. Later the "wheat borderland" had passed through an area, more diversified farms including dairy cattle generally took its place. Warmer regions saw plantings of cotton wool and herds of beef cattle. In the early on colonial south, raising tobacco and cotton was common, peculiarly through the use of slave labor until the Civil State of war. With an established source for labor, and the development of the cotton gin in 1793, the south was able to maintain an economy based on the production of cotton fiber. By the tardily 1850s, the southward produced one-hundred percent of the 374 one thousand thousand pounds of cotton wool used in the The states. The rapid growth in cotton production was possible because of the availability of slaves.[6] In the northeast, slaves were used in agriculture until the early on 19th century.[vii] In the Midwest, slavery was prohibited past the Freedom Ordinance of 1787.

Development of agronomical output of the United states in 2015 The states$ since 1961

The introduction and broad adoption of scientific agriculture since the mid-19th century contributed to economical growth in the United States. This evolution was facilitated past the Morrill Act and the Hatch Deed of 1887 which established in each state a state-grant university (with a mission to teach and study agriculture) and a federally funded organisation of agronomical experiment stations and cooperative extension networks which place extension agents in each country.

Soybeans were not widely cultivated in the United states of america until the early 1930s, and by 1942 it became the world's largest soybean producer, due in part to World War II and the "need for domestic sources of fats, oils, and meal". Between 1930 and 1942, the U.s.' share of globe soybean production grew from iii% to 47%, and past 1969 it had risen to 76%. By 1973 soybeans were the Usa' "number 1 cash crop, and leading export commodity, ahead of both wheat and corn".[eight] Although soybeans developed equally the top cash crop, corn also remains equally an of import article. Every bit the footing for "industrial food," corn is institute in most modern day items at the grocery store. Aside from items like processed and soda, which incorporate high fructose corn-syrup, corn is also found in non-edible items like the shining wax on shop advertisements.[nine]

Significant areas of farmland were abandoned during the Peachy Low and incorporated into nascent national forests. After, "Sodbuster" and "Swampbuster" restrictions written into federal farm programs starting in the 1970s reversed a decades-long tendency of habitat destruction that began in 1942 when farmers were encouraged to found all possible state in support of the war endeavour. In the Us, federal programs administered through local Soil and Water Conservation Districts provide technical assist and partial funding to farmers who wish to implement management practices to conserve soil and limit erosion and floods.

Scholarship has shown that farmers in the early United States were open to planting new crops, raising new animals and adopting new innovations every bit increased agricultural productivity in turn increased the need for shipping services, containers, credit, storage, and the like.[ten]

Although iv million farms disappeared in the The states between 1948 and 2015, total output from the farms that remained more than doubled. The number of farms with more than 2,000 acres (810 ha) almost doubled between 1987 and 2012, while the number of farms with 200 acres (81 ha) to 999 acres (404 ha) fell over the same menstruation past 44%.[11]

Subcontract productivity increased in the United states from the mid-20th century until the belatedly-20th century when productivity began to stall.[12]

Usa agriculture product in 2018 [edit]

In 2018:

  • It was past far the largest globe producer of maize (392 million tons). The country has been the world leader in maize product for decades and only recently China, with 257.3 million tonnes produced this year, has been budgeted North American production;
  • It was the largest earth producer of soy (123.6 million tons), a position that they held for many years, but recently, they accept been competing with Brazil for world leadership. Brazil surpassed United states of america soybean production in 2020.;[13]
  • It was the fourth largest world producer of wheat (51.2 1000000 tons), backside China, India and Russia;
  • It was the 3rd largest world producer of sugar beet (thirty million tons), behind Russia and French republic (the beet is used to manufacture sugar and ethanol) ;
  • Information technology was the 10th largest world producer of sugar cane (31.iii million tons) – Cane is too used to industry sugar and ethanol;
  • It was the 5th largest world producer of potato (20.6 million tons), behind Mainland china, India, Russia and Ukraine;
  • It was the 3rd largest globe producer of tomatoes ( 1000000 tons), behind China and Republic of india;
  • It was the tertiary largest world producer of cotton (xi.4 million tons), behind China and Bharat;
  • It was the 12th largest world producer of rice (10.1 meg tons);
  • It was the largest globe producer of sorghum (9.2 million tons);
  • It was the 3rd largest globe producer of grape (6.8 million tons), behind China and Italy;
  • Information technology was the 4th largest globe producer of orange (iv.8 meg tons), behind Brazil, China and Bharat;
  • It was the 2nd largest world producer of apple (4.half dozen million tons), second merely to China;
  • It was the 3rd largest world producer of onion (3.ii million tons), behind China and India;
  • It was the 3rd largest globe producer of peanut (2.4 million tons), behind People's republic of china and India;
  • It was the largest world producer of almonds (1.eight million tons);
  • It was the 2d largest world producer of strawberry (1.three meg tons), 2d just to China;
  • It was the 10th largest world producer of oats (814 thousand tons);
  • It was the 8th largest earth producer of lemon (812 m tons);
  • It was the third largest world producer of pear (730 g tons), behind China and Italian republic;
  • It was the tertiary largest world producer of green pea (722 thousand tons), behind China and India;
  • Information technology was the 6th largest globe producer of peaches (700 thousand tons);
  • It was the 2nd largest world producer of walnut (613 chiliad tons), second only to Cathay;
  • It was the 2nd largest earth producer of pistachio (447 thousand tons), second merely to Iran;
  • It was the 3rd largest world producer of lentils (381 thousand tons), behind Canada and India;
  • It was the 2nd largest earth producer of spinach (384 thousand tons), 2nd simply to Prc;
  • It was the 4th largest world producer of plum (368 k tons), backside China, Romania and Serbia;
  • Information technology was the 4th largest world producer of tobacco (241 thousand tons), behind China, Brazil and India;
  • Information technology was the 2rd largest world producer of lettuce and chicory(3.half dozen one thousand thousand tons) behind Cathay;
  • Information technology was the 3rd largest world producer of cauliflower and broccoli (1.2 million tons) backside Cathay and India;
  • Information technology was the 3rd largest globe producer of carrots (one.5 million tons) backside China and Uzbekistan;
  • It produced iii.three 1000000 tons of barley;
  • It produced 1.7 million tons of beans;
  • Information technology produced ane.7 1000000 tons of watermelon;
  • Information technology produced ane.6 one thousand thousand tons of rapeseed;
  • Information technology produced 960 thousand tons of sunflower seed;
  • It produced 804 thousand tons of tangerine;

In addition to smaller productions of other agronomical products, such as melon (872 thousand tons), pumpkin (683 thousand tons), grapefruit (558 1000 tons), cranberry (404 thousand tons), cherry (312 thousand tons), huckleberry (255 thousand tons), rye (214 thousand tons), olive (138 g tons), etc.[xiv]

Major agricultural products [edit]

Tonnes of United states agriculture production, equally reported by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the U.N. in 2003 and 2013 (ranked roughly in gild of value):[15]

Millions of Tonnes in 2003 2013
Corn 256.0 354.0
Cattle meat 12.0 11.vii
Moo-cow's milk, whole, fresh 77.0 91.0
Chicken meat xiv.7 17.4
Soybeans 67.0 89.0
Pig meat 9.1 10.5
Wheat 64.0 58.0
Cotton lint iv.0 2.viii
Hen eggs 5.2 5.half-dozen
Turkey meat ii.5 ii.6
Tomatoes 11.iv 12.half-dozen
Potatoes 20.8 19.8
Grapes 5.ix 7.7
Oranges ten.iv 7.half dozen
Rice, paddy
Apples 3.9 4.1
Sorghum ten.4 9.9
Lettuce 4.7 3.6
Cottonseed 6.0 5.6
Carbohydrate beets thirty.vii 29.8

Other crops actualization in the superlative twenty at some point in the last twoscore years were: tobacco, barley, and oats, and, rarely: peanuts, almonds, and sunflower seeds. Alfalfa and hay would both exist in the superlative x in 2003 if they were tracked past FAO.

Crops [edit]

Value of production [edit]

Major Crops in the U.S. 1997
(in US$ billions)
(in Us$ billions)
Corn $24.iv $52.3
Soybeans $17.7 $twoscore.3
Wheat $viii.half-dozen $11.nine
Alfalfa $8.three $10.8
Cotton $half dozen.1 $5.1
Hay, (not-Alfalfa) $five.ane $8.four
Tobacco $3.0 $1.8
Rice $1.7 $3.1
Sorghum $1.four $1.7
Barley $0.9 $0.nine
Source 1997 USDA – NASS reports, [16] 2015 USDA-NASS reports, [17]

Note alfalfa and hay are not tracked past the FAO and the product of tobacco in the United states of america has fallen 60% between 1997 and 2003.

Yield [edit]

Heavily mechanized, U.S. agriculture has a loftier yield relative to other countries. As of 2004:[18]

  • Corn for grain, boilerplate of 160.4 bushels harvested per acre (10.07 t/ha)
  • Soybean for beans, average of 42.5 bushels harvested per acre (2.86 t/ha)
  • Wheat, average of 43.2 bushels harvested per acre (ii.91 t/ha, was 44.2 bu/ac or 2.97 t/ha in 2003)

Livestock [edit]

Density of cattle and calves by county in 2007.

The major livestock industries in the United states:

  • Dairy cattle
  • Beef cattle
  • Squealer
  • Poultry
  • Seafood
  • Sheep
U.S. livestock and poultry inventory[xix] [20] [21]
Type 1997 2002 2007 2012
Cattle and calves 99,907,017 95,497,994 96,347,858 89,994,614
Hogs and pigs 61,188,149 60,405,103 67,786,318 66,026,785
Sheep and lambs 8,083,457 6,341,799 five,819,162 5,364,844
& other meat chickens
1,214,446,356 1,389,279,047 1,602,574,592 1,506,276,846
Laying hens 314,144,304 334,435,155 349,772,558 350,715,978

Goats, horses, turkeys and bees are too raised, though in lesser quantities. Inventory information is not as readily bachelor equally for the major industries. For the three major goat-producing states—Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas—there were ane.2 1000000 goats at the end of 2002. There were 5.iii million horses in the United states at the end of 1998. There were 2.five million colonies of bees at the end of 2005.

Farm type or bulk enterprise type [edit]

Farm type is based on which commodities are the bulk crops grown on a subcontract. Nine common types include:[22] [23] [24]

  • Cash grains includes corn, soybeans and other grains (wheat, oats, barley, sorghum), dry out edible beans, peas, and rice.
  • Tobacco
  • Cotton
  • Other field crops includes peanuts, potatoes, sunflowers, sweetness potatoes, sugarcane, broomcorn, popcorn, saccharide beets, mint, hops, seed crops, hay, silage, forage, etc. Tobacco and cotton can be included hither if not in their ain carve up category.
  • Loftier-value crops includes fruits, vegetables, melons, tree basics, greenhouse, nursery crops, and horticultural specialties.
  • Cattle
  • Hogs
  • Dairy
  • Poultry and eggs

One characteristic of the agronomical industry that sets it autonomously from others is the number of individuals who are cocky-employed. Frequently, farmers and ranchers are both the principal operator, the individual responsible for successful management and day-to-24-hour interval decisions, and the master laborer for his or her operation. For agricultural workers that sustain an injury, the resultant loss of work has implications on concrete health and fiscal stability.[25]

Governance [edit]

Agriculture in the United states is primarily governed by periodically renewed U.South. farm bills. Governance is both a federal and a local responsibility with the Us Department of Agriculture being the federal department responsible. Government assist includes research into ingather types and regional suitability as well as many kinds of subsidies, some price supports and loan programs. U.Due south. farmers are not discipline to production quotas and some laws are dissimilar for farms compared to other workplaces.

Labor laws prohibiting children in other workplaces provide some exemptions for children working on farms with complete exemptions for children working on their family's subcontract.[26] Children can also proceeds permits from vocational training schools or the 4-H society which allow them to do jobs they would otherwise non be permitted to do.

A large part of the U.S. farm workforce is fabricated up of migrant and seasonal workers, many of them recent immigrants from Latin America. Boosted laws utilise to these workers and their housing which is often provided past the farmer.

Employment [edit]

In 1870, almost l percent of the U.South. population was employed in agriculture.[27] Equally of 2008[update], less than 2 percent of the population is directly employed in agriculture.[28] [29]

In 2012, in that location were 3.2 meg farmers,[30] ranchers and other agricultural managers and an estimated 757,900 agricultural workers were legally employed in the United states. Fauna breeders accounted for 11,500 of those workers with the balance categorized as miscellaneous agricultural workers. The median pay was $ix.12 per hour or $18,970 per year.[31] In 2009, about 519,000 people under age xx worked on farms owned by their family. In improver to the youth who lived on family farms, an boosted 230,000 youth were employed in agronomics.[32] In 2004, women fabricated up approximately 24% of farmers; that year, in that location were 580,000 women employed in agriculture, forestry, and fishing.[33]

From 1999 to 2009, roughly 50% of hired ingather farmworkers in the U.S. were noncitizens working without legal authorization.[34] Some large farms rely on new immigrants who will work for extremely low wages. The legal status of the worker has been shown to bear upon the wage received for a job. An agronomical worker with no documentation earns an average of 15% less than one with amnesty or green card.[35] Moreover, information technology has been found that undocumented workers take decreased mobility in the agronomical industry because they are less able to have high-skill and high-earning jobs (jobs that are similar to their documented counterparts).[36] These first generation immigrants may remain as farm laborers seasonally for x years. As they age, they abound poorer due to less skills, resource, and education.[37] The United States passed a special provision in 1986 called the Immigration Reform and Command Act nether which the Special Agricultural Worker (SAW) plan granted amnesty to some agricultural laborers considering of the importance of these workers to the industry. Though this slightly improved the lives of some workers, many more alive in poverty and without benefits today. For example, though these workers face up many occupational hazards, they are non insured nor protected by government provisions such as the Affordable Care Act. Instead, SAWs rely on Customs and Migrant Health Centers that are built to serve this population (though these besides suffer from lack of funding and healthcare workers).[38]

Occupational condom and health [edit]

Agronomics ranks among the almost hazardous industries due to the use of chemicals and risk of injury.[39] [40] Farmers are at loftier hazard for fatal and nonfatal injuries (general traumatic injury and musculoskeletal injury), piece of work-related lung diseases, noise-induced hearing loss, skin diseases, chemical-related illnesses, and sure cancers associated with chemical utilise and prolonged dominicus exposure.[40] [41] [42] In an boilerplate year, 516 workers dice doing farm work in the U.S. (1992–2005). Every twenty-four hour period, about 243 agricultural workers endure lost-work-time injuries, and about 5% of these result in permanent impairment.[43] Tractor overturns are the leading cause of agriculture-related fatal injuries, and account for over 90 deaths every year. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health recommends the use of roll over protection structures on tractors to reduce the take a chance of overturn-related fatal injuries.[43]

Farming is one of the few industries in which families (who oft share the work and alive on the bounds) are as well at risk for injuries, illness, and death. Agriculture is the virtually dangerous industry for young workers, accounting for 42% of all work-related fatalities of immature workers in the U.South. between 1992 and 2000. In 2011, 108 youth, less than 20 years of age, died from subcontract-related injuries.[32] Unlike other industries, one-half the immature victims in agriculture were under age 15.[44] For young agricultural workers aged 15–17, the run a risk of fatal injury is 4 times the run a risk for immature workers in other workplaces[45] Agricultural work exposes immature workers to safety hazards such as machinery, confined spaces, work at elevations, and piece of work around livestock. The most mutual causes of fatal farm-related youth injuries involve machinery, motor vehicles, or drowning. Together these 3 causes incorporate more than half of all fatal injuries to youth on U.S. farms.[46] Women in agriculture (including the related industries of forestry and fishing) numbered 556,000 in 2011.[40]

Agriculture in the U.S. makes up approximately 75% of the country's pesticide use. Agronomical workers are at high risk for existence exposed to dangerous levels of pesticides, whether or not they are straight working with the chemicals.[42] For example, with bug similar pesticide drift, farmworkers are not the only ones exposed to these chemicals; nearby residents come into contact with the pesticides every bit well.[47] The frequent exposure to these pesticides tin can take detrimental effects on humans, resulting in adverse health reactions associated with pesticide poisoning.[48] [49] Migrant workers, especially women, are at college risk for wellness issues associated with pesticide exposure due to lack of training or appropriate rubber precautions.[50] [51] United States agricultural workers experience 10,000 cases or more of physician-diagnosed pesticide poisoning annually.[52]

Research centers [edit]

Some U.S. research centers are focused on the topic of health and safety in agricultural practices. These centers non only behave inquiry on the subject of occupational disease and injury prevention, but also promote agricultural health and condom through educational outreach programs. Most of these groups are funded past the National Constitute for Occupational Safety and Health, the The states Department of Agriculture, or other land agencies.[53] Centers include:

  • Primal States Eye for Agricultural Condom and Health, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE [54]
  • Slap-up Plains Center for Agronomical Wellness, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA[55]
  • High Plains Intermountain Centre for Agricultural Health and Condom, Colorado Country Academy, Fort Collins, CO[56]
  • National Children'south Eye for Rural and Agricultural Health and Prophylactic, Marshfield, WI[57]
  • Northeast Centre for Agricultural and Occupational Health, New York Middle for Agricultural Medicine and Health, Cooperstown, NY[58]
  • Pacific Northwest Agricultural Safety and Health Middle, Academy of Washington, Seattle, WA[59]
  • Southeast Center for Agricultural Health and Injury Prevention, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY[60]
  • Southwest Center for Agricultural Health, Injury Prevention and Education, University of Texas, Tyler, TX[61]
  • Upper Midwest Agronomical Rubber and Wellness Middle, a collaboration betwixt the University of Minnesota School of Public Health, Minneapolis, MN, Academy of Minnesota Higher of Veterinary Medicine, St. Paul, MN, Minnesota Department of Health, St. Paul, MN and the National Farm Medicine Middle, Marshfield, WI with Migrant Clinicians Network, Salisbury, Dr.[62]
  • Western Centre for Agricultural Health and Safety, Academy of California, Davis, CA[63]

Farmer suicide [edit]

Farmland in Hull, Iowa, 1 of u.s. experiencing high levels of suicide amidst farmers

Farmers' suicides in the United States refers to the national occurrences of farmers taking their own lives, largely since the 1980s, partly due to their falling into debt. In the Midwest alone, over i,500 farmers take taken their own lives since the 1980s. It mirrors a crisis happening globally: in Commonwealth of australia, a farmer dies by suicide every 4 days; in the Britain, one farmer a calendar week takes their own life; and in France it is one every two days. In India more than 270,000 farmers have died by suicide since 1995.[64] [65]

Farmers are amidst the most probable to die by suicide, in comparing to other occupations, according to a study published in January 2020 past the Centers for Illness Command and Prevention (CDC).[66] Researchers at the University of Iowa found that farmers, and others in the agricultural trade, had the highest suicide rate of all occupations from 1992 to 2010, the years they studied in 2017.[66] The rate was 3.v times that of the general population.[66] This echoed a study conducted the previous twelvemonth by the CDC.[67]

Most family unit farmers seem to agree on what led to their plight: government policy. In the years after the New Deal, they say, the U.s.a. set a price floor for farmers, essentially ensuring they received a minimum wage for the crops they produced. Merely the government began rolling back this policy in the 1970s, and at present the global market largely determines the toll they get for their crops. Big farms can make do with lower prices for crops past increasing their scale; a few cents per gallon of cow's milk adds up if you have thousands of cows.

Fourth dimension, November 27, 2019

Ecology issues [edit]

Climate change [edit]

Climate change and agronomics are complexly related processes. In the Us, agriculture is the second largest emitter of greenhouse gases (GHG), behind the energy sector.[68] Direct GHG emissions from the agronomical sector business relationship for 8.4% of full U.S. emissions, simply the loss of soil organic carbon through soil erosion indirectly contributes to emissions every bit well.[69] While agriculture plays a role in propelling climate alter, information technology is also affected by the direct (increase in temperature, alter in rainfall, flooding, drought) and secondary (weed, pest, disease pressure, infrastructure damage) consequences of climate change.[68] [seventy] USDA enquiry indicates that these climatic changes will lead to a decline in yield and nutrient density in key crops, as well as decreased livestock productivity.[71] [72] Climate change poses unprecedented challenges to U.S. agriculture due to the sensitivity of agronomical productivity and costs to irresolute climate conditions.[73] Rural communities dependent on agriculture are specially vulnerable to climatic change threats.[lxx]

The Us Global Change Inquiry Program (2017) identified four fundamental areas of business organisation in the agronomics sector: reduced productivity, degradation of resources, health challenges for people and livestock, and the adaptive capacity of agriculture communities.[74]

Large-scale adaptation and mitigation of these threats relies on changes in farming policy.[75] [76]

Demographics [edit]

The number of women working in agriculture has risen and the 2002 census of agronomics recorded a 40% increase in the number of female farm workers.[77] Inequality and respect are common problems for these workers, as many have reported that they are not being respected, listened to, or taken seriously due to traditional views of women as housewives and caretakers.[78]

Women may also face resistance when attempting to advance to higher positions. Other issues reported by female farm workers include receiving less pay than their male counterparts and a refusal or reluctance by their employers to offering their female workers the same additional benefits given to male person workers such equally housing.[79]

Every bit of 2012, there were 44,629 African-American farmers in the United States. The vast bulk of African-American farmers were in southern states.[80]

Industry [edit]

Historically, farmland has been endemic by small property owners, but as of 2017 institutional investors, including foreign corporations, had been purchasing farmland.[81] In 2013 the largest producer of pork, Smithfield Foods, was bought by a company from China.[81]

As of 2017, only about 4% of farms have sales over $1m, but these farms yield two-thirds of total output.[82] Some of these are large farms have grown organically from private family-owned businesses.[82]

Country ownership laws [edit]

As of 2019, six states—Hawaii, Iowa, Minnesota, Mississippi, Northward Dakota, and Oklahoma—accept laws banning foreign ownership of farmland. Missouri, Ohio, and Oklahoma are looking to introduce bills banning foreign ownership as of 2019.[83] [84]

The land with the most foreign ownership as of 2019 is Maine, which has 3.1 million acres that are foreign-controlled, followed closely by Texas at 3 meg acres. Alabama, at 1.6 meg acres, Washington, at 1.5 million acres, and Michigan, at 1.three 1000000 acres, round out the top 5, according to the Midwest Center's analysis.[83]

Run across also [edit]

  • Agribusiness
  • Beekeeping in the U.s.a.
  • Child nutrition programs
  • Electrical energy efficiency on United States farms
  • Fishing industry in the United States
  • Genetic engineering in the Usa
  • History of agriculture in the United states of america
  • Pesticides in the United States
  • Poultry farming in the United States
  • Soil in the U.s.a.
  • Farmers' suicides in the United States
  • Listing of largest producing countries of agricultural commodities

References [edit]

Citations [edit]

  1. ^ "Latest U.Due south. Agricultural Merchandise Data." Archived 2019-10-xiii at the Wayback Machine USDA Economic Inquiry Service. Ed. Stephen MacDonald. USDA, 6 Sept. 2018.
  2. ^ "2017 Census of Agriculture". 2019-04-11. Archived from the original on 2021-09-04. Retrieved 2021-09-04 .
  3. ^ Hatfield, J., 2012: Agriculture in the Midwest. In: U.S. National Climate Cess Midwest Technical Input Report Archived 2013-06-21 at the Wayback Machine. J. Winkler, J. Andresen, J. Hatfield, D. Bidwell, and D. Brown, coordinators. Available from the Corking Lakes Integrated Sciences and Assessments (GLISA) Middle
  4. ^ Cathy D. Matson, The Economy of Early America, p. 28
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  7. ^ Wright, Gavin (2003). "Slavery and American Agricultural History". Agronomical History. 77 (4): 536–547. ISSN 0002-1482.
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  9. ^ Pollan, Michael (2007). The omnivore'south dilemma: a natural history of four meals. ISBN978-0-14-303858-0. OCLC 148696764.
  10. ^ Cathy D. Matson, The Economy of Early America, p. 27
  11. ^ "'They're Trying to Wipe United states Off the Map.' Small American Farmers Are Nearing Extinction" Archived 2021-08-10 at the Wayback Motorcar – Time, November 27, 2019
  12. ^ Pardey, Philip G.; Alston, Julian Grand. (2021). "Unpacking the Agricultural Black Box: The Rising and Fall of American Farm Productivity Growth". The Journal of Economic History. 81 (1): 114–155. doi:10.1017/S0022050720000649. ISSN 0022-0507.
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Cited sources [edit]

  • Mbow, Cheikh; Rosenzweig; Barioni, Luis .G.; Benton, Tim .G. (2019). "Nutrient security". In Shukla, P.R.; Skea, J.; Buendia, E. Calvo; Masson-Delmotte, 5. (eds.). Climate Change and Country: an IPCC special report on climate modify, desertification, land deposition, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems. IPCC.

Further reading [edit]

  • Winterbottom, Jo; Huffstutter, P. J. (Feb. 2015). Hire walkouts point to strains in U.Southward. farm economy, Reuters

External links [edit]

  • United States Department of Agriculture
  • National Ag Safety Database
  • North American Guidelines for Children's Agricultural Tasks Archived 2013-01-17 at the Wayback Auto

How Much Land Is Used For Agriculture In The Us,


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