Over the last few years, sublimation press has get fairly popular. Considering everyone knows how to use a sublimation printer and heat press, this arroyo is oftentimes utilized to print on a variety of materials. What most people don't know is how to remove sublimation ink from a freshly printed shirt.

Everyone has made a press mistake, but considering the margin for mistake is so minor in this form of printing, people ofttimes do not know how to correct their errors. If y'all don't know how to remove sublimation ink from a shirt, don't panic; at that place is a method for removing sublimation ink from a garment fifty-fifty if the margin is small. I've described the process in great item then that you lot tin can correct the error and get rid of the cruddy ink splotch.

What Is Sublimation Ink and How Does It Work?

What Is Sublimation Ink and How Does It Work

Sublimation ink is a type of ink used to create sublimation prints. Instead of being poured directly onto the fabric, this ink is applied to the printer and then used to impress a motion picture. A heat printing is then used to transfer the image onto fabric. The dye is present on the paper in powdered form in sublimation ink, and information technology is transferred to the cloth with the force per unit area and heat from the heat press.

Is it possible to remove sublimation ink?

If sublimation was pressed onto polyester or polymers, it could non be removed. The sublimation will not be removed with bleach. Sublimation ink can be removed from cotton after numerous washes. Sublimation can be lessened with high heat on difficult substrates like poly-coated java mugs, but information technology can simply be completely eliminated by sanding the blanket down to the real ceramic.

Everyone who has used the sublimation printing method has encountered a circumstance where they accept mistakenly printed the wrong portion or the ink has spilt on the cloth and they are now stuck with information technology. Even the near experienced printers can make mistakes when using the sublimation printing method.

However, there are a few means to remove sublimation ink.



Many people enjoy wearing clothing with pictures on it. Such attire is thought to be very inviting and enticing. Although these garments are practical, they have one big drawback: they can be washed and removed considering the impress inks used to print them are not permanent.

At that place are diverse methods for removing ink from garments. The post-obit are some suggestions for removing sublimation ink from a sublimated shirt:

To remove sublimation ink, apply cold water

One method of removing sublimation ink from a shirt is in cold water. You may remove sublimation ink from your garments past soaking them in common cold h2o in a bucket. The ink freezes faster in common cold water, so remove it equally speedily as possible.

Y'all use a spatula to printing down the ink once it has entered deep into the fabric. Every bit a result, sublimation printer ink may only exist removed in pieces.

If you print something incorrectly with your sublimation printer during sublimation printing, you should employ this. Make frequent use of this!

Using Heat Yous Tin can Remove Sublimation Ink

Another way to remove sublimation ink is to use heat handling. This procedure will necessitate the utilize of a dryer. After heating the fabric for a few minutes, do this again and again until all of the ink is gone.

Soda water is used to remove the ink.

How can you lot apply soda water to erase sublimation ink from a shirt? You may too make a chemical solution at home to remove sublimation ink from garments. In a bucket, combine vi parts soda and 1 part water.

If y'all're going to soak your habiliment in the solution, soak it for about 30 minutes after mixing the ingredients. If the shirt is however wet after 15 to 20 minutes, stir the solution again and take it out.

Use Bleach To Remove Sublimation Ink.

If you lot desire to completely remove sublimation ink, you should apply a bleaching agent. If you don't have one, you tin can get one from a store. The shirt should be bleached and left for about an hr. Sublimation ink must be completely dissolved before utilize. After that, you can rinse the garment with regular water and wash it with regular soap.

Use a Pressure Washer to Remove Sublimation Ink from a Shirt

A pressure washer tin can readily erase ink from garments, walls, and wooden surfaces. This tin be accomplished past mixing regular water with the water in the pressure level washer tank. It tin can then exist used to wash the vesture and totally remove the ink.

Employ a force per unit area washer in add-on to any of the methods listed to a higher place to get the all-time results. They are quite efficient. This equipment volition totally remove sublimation ink likewise as all forms of grime.



Take your time and go slowly during the cleaning process to avert ruining your garment. Similarly, this procedure will work with sublimation-printed hoodies and tank tops.

When using a large-sized sublimation printer at habitation or at work, even ancient images printed on fabric can be recovered using this method. Here are some suggestions for removing sublimation ink from a shirt.

Aluminum foil

Use a flat sail of aluminum foil to ready up your workspace. Ascertain that the area is well ventilated. If fans are available, they can help with drying. Paper towels, denatured alcohol, and methyl alcohol are all necessary.

Denatured Spirits

Soak your garment in denatured alcohol for 15 minutes. Information technology dissolves the dye without causing impairment to the clothing. The solution besides eliminates whatsoever leftover ink residue following sublimation, in addition to degreasing.

Subsequently soaking for fifteen minutes, press the garment between 2 clean newspaper towels. After cleaning the shirt with denatured alcohol, you can soak it for an additional fifteen minutes.

Paper Towels

To avert burning the paper towels, keep them underneath the iron. When ironing, don't use also much pressure. Earlier you contact the fabric, let information technology absurd completely. This is critical because things tend to stick together when they are hot. If you accidently touch them while wearing gloves, they can go too hot to handle.


After the shirt has dried, atomic number 26 information technology for 5 minutes more with aluminum foil on top. Because the cloth volition be stiffer, it will be easier to work within the next phase. You can't skip this step if you want to finer recover your garment.

Denatured Booze and Polymer Crystal Mix

Your denatured alcohol and polymer crystal combination are now ready to use. Place two tablespoons of crystals in a small loving cup or container. When you add together simply enough alcohol to dissolve them fully, the liquid appears hazy when you stir information technology.

Past dampening a clean paper towel with distilled water and ringing information technology out, make sure it is clammy but not dripping wet. Cascade the polymer solution over the newspaper towel.


Sublimation press is 1 of the best and virtually heady printing technologies, until you make a error and end up with a sublimation ink stain. Don't worry; in that location are a few ways to remove sublimation ink, equally difficult as information technology may seem. If you're wondering how to correct a sublimation error on a shirt, I've detailed the technique in the post above. I promise information technology is useful to you.



Is information technology possible to remove sublimation ink?

Sublimation ink is one of the about difficult sorts of stains to get rid of. At that place are, however, means to get rid of sublimation ink. The easiest way is to use rubbing alcohol and rub it into the stained textile until the stain is gone.

Is sublimation press a long-term solution?

Yes, sublimation press is very long-lasting. This method uses special sublimation inks to print images. The printed paradigm is then transferred to the fabric using heat and pressure from a heat press. The ink penetrates the cloth, making information technology very permanent and difficult to remove.


Read more:

Sublimation On 60 Cotton fiber 40 Polyester: Tips And Tricks For Perfect Results


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