And so You Want to Camp at Burning Man?

Hooray! This is your guide for how to go started.

The bulk of people who go to Burning Man are function of planned, registered camps. The main event is everywhere, it'southward where people like you lot contribute interactive, artistic, incredible experiences to share with anybody. Camps are organized groups of people doing but that. Camps are the heart of community in Black Rock City. Your experiences are brought by people like y'all, by theme camps, artists, mutant vehicle owners, and individuals. That's why instead of attendees, people who become to Burning Man are participants and citizens of Blackness Rock Urban center.

You have a few options for camping at Burning Human:

  1. Bring together a registered camp
  2. Army camp in the open camping ground or walk-in camping areas of Burning Man
  3. Beginning your own registered camp

We also accept some notes about bringing RVs to Burning Homo.

If you accept any specific questions most camping ground at Blackness Rock City, please contact the Campsite Support Squad at

Bring together a registered camp

If it'southward your first year coming to Burning Homo, it'south a great idea to join a registered army camp. Coming with an established group allows you to learn from their experience. Burning Man is all nigh your participation, so beingness part of a registered camp gives y'all a direct style to participate and contribute to the city nosotros co-create together. Here are a few ways to find a registered campsite to join:

  1. Theme Army camp Listings
    • Every year camps submit their information for our listings. Many camps include a website or email accost.
    • Step 1: Go through the listing! Search by your hometown, state, country or a manner you want to contribute (such as painting, yoga, fire spinning, or whatever skill or talent you take). Or simply scroll through alphabetically and marvel at everything camps contribute to Burning Man!
    • Footstep 2: Once you've found some crawly camps, reach out to the ones you want to bring together. Tell them why y'all're interested in being role of their camp and why you want to go to Burning Human being. Tell them almost your skills and interests. Tell them why you want to contribute and participate. Keep in heed camps get a lot of inquiries to join, so personalize your bulletin to them. Many camps close their registrations in the early summer (May or June) so the earlier you accomplish out, the better!
    • Here is the archive of past year'due south Theme Camp Listings and events.
  2. Your Local Regional
    • Wherever you live, in that location is likely a Burning Man community in your area.
    • Inside that local community, there are likely local events and established camps who go to Burning Man in Nevada. Your local community likely has an email listing and online group y'all can join.
    • Check out the Regionals Global Directory and attend a local meetup or Burning Homo effect! You'll meet not bad people and likely meet camps who are traveling to Called-for Homo in Nevada this year.
  3. Spark
    • Accept a skill to contribute? A talent to share? Bank check out Spark, Burning Man'south tool for online collaboration. Camps post listings of the kind of people they need, such as electricians, builders, DJs, etc. Perchance that'south you! Answer to their postal service and get connected.
  4. Social Media
    • There are many platforms and groups on social media where yous can share that you're looking for a army camp to participate in. ePlaya is an advertising (but not snark)-costless bulletin board for event and year-circular customs connections. You tin can too search on your preferred social media platform, Burners are everywhere!
  5. Your Customs
    • You may not know who in your community has been to Burning Man or knows people who go to Burning Human! Tell the people in your life and your social media friends that you're planning to get. Ask if they know anyone who is part of a camp. Yay for making new friends!

Camp in the open camping or walk-in camping ground areas of Called-for Man

Not everyone who comes to Blackness Rock City wants or needs to live in a registered military camp. If this sounds like you lot, you can campsite on your ain with a small group or a larger grouping in open camping or walk-in camping. Go on in mind at that place are thousands of other people also camping ground in open camping, and many urban center blocks fill up on Dominicus (the day the Gate opens.) Since you lot can't reserve space in these areas, you won't know exactly where you lot'll be camping until y'all find the space.

Open camping is located throughout many blocks between H Street and K Street. Some of these blocks are entirely open up for unplaced groups to campsite in. Some blocks contain both open camping ground and reserved camping. Infinite for reserved, placed camps is marked on the playa with blue survey flags. When you arrive to claim an open camping space, be sure to camp outside the blue flagged zones to avoid encroaching on reserved zones and then having to relocate your camp. Please notation, some of these plots are so large that they may announced unclaimed and bachelor, when they really are not. Camps are non immune to land-grab large chunks of country during Build Calendar week and should share the space with other open campers seeking space. If you demand aid determining if an surface area is available for open camping ground, talk to a Black Rock Ranger or a member of the Placement Squad.

Walk-in camping is located outside the last street between 2:00 and 5:00. Park your vehicles on the outside of the last street, and walk in to fix your camp on the open playa side of the banner flag fence.

An annual City Program is released each year that includes the locations of open camping and walk-in camping.

(Photo past John Curley)

Start your own registered military camp

If you'd like to be considered for an opportunity to receive a reserved camping spot for your camp or village at Burning Man, you'll need to learn the placement process and submit the Campsite Placement Questionnaire before the deadline. The Camp Placement Questionnaire tin be accessed through your Burner Contour, and all deadlines are updated annually there. There's a lot of important information to read, assemble, and understand before applying! Read all nigh the placement procedure. Read through the resources for how to organize a camp.

A quick note, if this is your first year coming to Called-for Man we ordinarily recommend being part of a returning military camp for at least one twelvemonth before starting a new campsite (unless you've organized a military camp at your local Regional or have other straight experience with Burning Man). Remember this isn't like camping at a festival, information technology's existence an active group contributing to the city. There'southward a lot to learn and experience!

Parking in Black Rock City

Different other events that take defended parking space away from campsites, Black Rock City's camps are expected to accommodate parking for all their camper'south vehicles. This includes RVs, mutant vehicles, vans, and personal vehicles. The merely exception to this is inside Walk-In Camping as described above.

RVs at Burning Man

Many people ask about how to find or bring an RV to Called-for Man. There are many wonderful means to campsite at Burning Human — tents, yurts, living containers, RVs, and many more artistic living solutions. The Burning Human being organization does non provide or sell RVs to participants. You lot cannot buy an RV with your Called-for Man ticket. We do non connect participants to RV companies.

If you're joining an established camp, yous'll desire to talk with them near how they handle RVs in their military camp. Some camps don't take or allow any RVs.

There is no style to pre-arrange for RV pumping at Burning Man. Your but pick is to effort and flag downwards the few service trucks that patrol the city. Nosotros strongly propose that you limit your usage of water for showers, cooking, etc. and so that you do not need to be pumped while at the event. 1 of Burning Homo's ten Principles is Radical Self-reliance, which is important to keep in mind!

If you run across a visitor or are invited to join a camp that sells you a "Burning Human package" (all included ticket, transportation, RV, food, costumes, etc), please electronic mail to tell us more about this company or camp.

For more information about RVs in full general, including generator etiquette and RV pumping procedures, delight see this department.

Where tin can I become advice on how to run a camp?

Here are some things nosotros've prepared to help people run dandy camps on playa. We recommend starting here and turning to other experienced Burners to seek advice on spaces like E-playa, the Burning Man Hive Theme Campsite Organizers Group, and our volunteer-run Camp Back up Team.

  • Playa Living: general tips for individual camping on playa
  • Military camp Resource Guide: best practices in managing group camping ground on playa
  • Burning Homo Journal stories about theme camps
  • Bivouac Talks: a series of live conversations with camp organizers
  • Email if yous have specific questions you are looking for back up from.
What is a Theme Camp?

Theme Camps are organized groups who come together to provide services, entertainment, art, and other artistic interactive experiences for everyone at Burning Homo. This interactivity tin can exist truly anything! Information technology'due south also the home where camp members sleep, eat, and have care of their needs while living in the desert. Theme Camps began in 1995 and have get the way the majority of people camp and participate in Black Stone City. They are the interactive core of Burning Man. Theme Camps are home to groups of anywhere from three to 400 people. There are besides Villages, which are groups of two or more interactive Theme Camps combined together. Please visit the Camp Placement Criteria page for detailed information on how theme camps and villages are selected for Placement.

What other types of camps are there?

At that place are several other types of camps in Black Stone City. There are Fine art Back up Camps that support registered fine art installations on the playa and Mutant Vehicle Camps that support registered mutant vehicles. There are likewise Burning Man Departments, Work Support Camps, and Department Approved Service Camps. Delight visit this page to learn more about the various camp types.Participants who are not function of a registered camp have areas where they tin can observe open space to camp inside Open Camping and Walk-In Camping.

How exercise I camp at Burning Human being? How do I find a camp to bring together?

Glad you asked! We have a whole department of information almost how to join a camp, where you can campsite, and about camping options (such as RVs, yurts, tents, etc.) just for you.

What is Placement?

Placement is how camps receive a reserved camping spot at Burning Man. If your camp would like a reserved Black Stone City address, your military camp will demand to participate in the placement process. If your military camp would like to get in before the Gate opens to build or set up your camp in a reserved camping ground spot, you will need to participate in the placement procedure.Placement is optional merely non guaranteed for theme camps and villages. Applying for placement does non automatically gain you lot a reserved spot in BRC. Camps must run across criteria for their army camp category to be eligible for placement. If camps are not selected for placement or practise not want reserved placement, they are able to still ready camps in Open up Camping or Walk-In Camping after the Gate opens. Learn more nearly these options here.The Placement Team are volunteers who facilitate the placement process, work directly with every campsite, and make the map of Blackness Rock Metropolis. We go to know your camps, plan the city and come across y'all in person to place your camp on the playa.

How can my camp become placed?

If you'd like to receive a reserved camping ground spot for your camp or village at Burning Man, you'll need to acquire the placement process and submit the Camp Placement Questionnaire earlier the borderline. The Camp Placement Questionnaire tin be accessed through your Burner Profile, and all deadlines are updated annually there. There's a lot of important information! Read all virtually the placement process hither.

How volition Placement know how my campsite is doing?

Placers regularly travel the city to come across how things are going. Additionally, volunteers from Placement's Exploration and Date Enquiry Team (PEERS) may visit your camp to have a friendly conversation about how you feel things are going in your camp and in your neighborhood.